Sunday, January 21, 2007

At Grease Academy, the cuts run deep and fast:

After a little more in depth auditioning of the initial 50 Grease contestants singing, dancing and acting abilities, the herd was thinned in half.

The remaining performers rehearsed for a showcase in front of a live audience that was to take place in 36 hours.

At the live show, contestants danced and sang a little to show what they had. The bulk of the show was focused on vocal ability.

I didn't hear one performer that had the Motz(That's apple sauce) in the vocal department to play a professional Broadway show in only a few months time. There were a few that if coached for a year or so, might turn out to be good singers. If these performers can't make the grade vocally, the party's over for them. We are talking about leading roles in a Broadway musical! The performers for the lead must be triple threats. They must be exceptional actors, singers and dancers. Unless there is a miracle worker on the Grease payroll, I don't see it happening with these cats.

The 50 were cut deep and fast to twelve. Six Danny's and six Sandy's? I can feel the ringers standing backstage. No doubt forthcoming in weeks to come.

See ya' next week, Jeff O'

Jeff O's Retro Music
50's Songs You Never Heard!
New Original Doo Wop, 50's Rock & Rockabilly songs.

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